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Technological, but above all… human.

At Nemo, we are passionate about technology and work tirelessly to stay up-to-date with the latest development trends. However, our philosophy is not solely based on this aspect. At Nemo, we place special emphasis on fostering a unique human touch, where each of us feels at home, knowing that we have someone we can trust on the other side.

Bookings with Price Navigator
Nemo is the leading IT company in technological adoption in Latin America, and its Price Navigator booking platform is based on a business model…
Integration through our own API
Nemo can be your strategic product aggregator since it provides accessible technology for those who have their own booking tools and only wish to…
High-quality and varied tourist content
Nemo offers you a great diversity of tourist content in all kinds of destinations, ranging from global bedbanks to DMCs in specific regions…
Service Oriented Towards Productivity
Nemo is the only technology provider with such a clear and precise focus on helping to increase the productivity of its clients. Account executives…
The Largest B2B Network in Latam
Nemo invites you to actively join the largest B2B distribution network in Latam, spanning over 20 countries, giving you OneShot access to hundreds of clients…
Personalized and Friendly Service
Nemo understands very well that technology is increasingly a vital tool for tour operations; however, the human factor…

Discover the history of our company, explore our services in depth, and become part of our team.

At Nemo, we are passionate about technology and work tirelessly to stay up-to-date with the latest development trends… however, our philosophy is not based solely on that aspect. At Nemo, we place special emphasis on developing a unique human approach, where each of us feels at home, knowing that we have someone to rely on.

PriceNavigator: all solutions together on a single platform.

Introducing our premium multi-product booking platform, carefully designed for tour operators and online agencies.

ApiNemo: multiple providers, a single connection.

A technological interface that allows tour operators and online agencies to integrate the content of accommodation tourism products, distributed through our network of providers.


Don’t Miss Nemo’s Latest Updates

At Nemo, we are passionate about technology and work tirelessly to stay updated with the latest development trends… however, our philosophy is not based on that aspect. At Nemo, we place special emphasis on developing a unique human touch, where each of us feels at home, knowing that on the other side, we have someone we can trust.

Fairs and Trade Missions

We love to travel, participate in trade fairs and missions, and above all, be very close to our clients and strategic business allies. We are deeply enthusiastic about meeting new people, sharing experiences, learning, and discussing how Nemo can help them in their business. We take human contact very seriously and create long-term relationships.

Our Offices

Home sweet home. We are very proud of our modern facilities, which we live in like a second home. Therefore, we want to share a bit of these magnificent offices in Rosario, the city of Messi, Argentina, where sharing “mate” and hearing words like “che” or “boludo” are part of the everyday life of sharing and enjoying what we do, which so characterizes us Argentinians.

Our Culture

Conveying our values, which promote professional talent at the same level as the quality of the human person, permeates every decision we make. They are present in all the interactions we have with our teams and our clients, as they are part of the company’s deeply rooted foundational philosophy. This is why, when choosing a technology provider, so many travel companies unhesitatingly turn to Nemo.

La opinión que cuenta, Nemo desde adentro

Nuestro principal activo es el equipo de profesionales del cual nos sentimos orgullosos. Tanto talento enfocado en desarrollar tecnología de punta que se traduce en soluciones innovadoras, gracias a un espíritu inquieto y un profundo conocimiento del negocio de viajes conviven en perfecta armonía. Se trata pues, de una combinación de cualidades que se pregonan, se trasmiten y se inculcan, porque jamás perdemos de vista los valores fundacionales de la compañía, entre los que se encuentran: la proactividad para brindar un excelente servicio, el buen trato cercano, la capacidad de escucha y la comprensión.

“En Nemo, el ambiente de trabajo es simplemente excepcional. El espacio amplio y luminoso fomenta la creatividad y la colaboración entre equipos, lo que nos permite desarrollar tecnología puntera para la industria del turismo.”

María Sánchez
Desarrolladora de Software

“En Nemo, el progreso es una constante. Cada día nos desafiamos a nosotros mismos para innovar y mejorar nuestras soluciones tecnológicas. Es gratificante formar parte de un equipo que está siempre un paso adelante en el mercado.”

Juan Martinez
Data analyst

“Lo que más valoro de trabajar en Nemo es la convivencia entre colegas. El ambiente es de respeto, compañerismo y apoyo mutuo. Juntos enfrentamos desafíos y celebramos logros, creando un entorno profesional y humano excepcional.”

Louis Meyers
Project Manager

“Nemo es un lugar donde la creatividad florece. Tenemos la libertad de experimentar y de proponer nuevas ideas para mejorar la experiencia del usuario en nuestras plataformas. Es inspirador ver cómo nuestras visiones se convierten en realidad.”

Diego Lopez
Diseñador UX/UI

Schedule with Nemo, book your appointment now!

We travel from here to there, attending industry events, tourism fairs, and visiting friends and colleagues on business missions. So, if you follow Nemo on social media, you’ll see us exploring different corners of the world, always with a smile!!! We love what we do, and even more… we love making our customers happy!

Contact us to share your concerns, your requirements, or why not… to learn more about Nemo and how its innovative technological solutions and professionals can help make your business more profitable and efficient.

Let’s talk numbers

Key indicators to understand our leadership in Latam.


Active suppliers


Happy customers


Fairs and missions per year


Countries using Price Navigator

0 K

Booked destinations

0 K

User agencies


Years of experience


Data Science

And since we’re talking about numbers… we want to tell you that we are passionate about working with them. For a long time, we have understood that analyzing key indicators is a differentiating factor for effective management, providing what is necessary for efficient control and agile decision-making. Even when it comes to a projection, it can be based on concrete data and not on mere “futurology,” giving you greater certainty at every moment.

Nemo has a Data Science Department that works dedicatedly for its internal management but also with the mission of helping clients and strategic partners through data analysis and the generation of business intelligence reports. Our experts spend their time explaining these reports in detail and answering all kinds of queries, with absolute respect for and compliance with confidentiality and data protection standards.

Contact with us